
Code style and linting

  • Please conform to the Google Python Style Guide.
  • A good code formatter is autopep8. autopep8 automatically formats Python code to conform to the PEP 8 style guide. Install autopep8 via pip:
      $ pip install --upgrade autopep8     


  • Python filenames must have a .py extension.
  • Avoid dashes (-) in any file/package/module/definition name.
  • While Python supports making things private by using a leading double underscore __ (aka. “dunder”) prefix on a name, this is discouraged. Prefer the use of a single underscore.
  • Naming guide:

    Type Public Internal
    Packages lower_with_under  
    Modules lower_with_under _lower_with_under
    Classes CapWords _CapWords
    Exceptions CapWords  
    Functions lower_with_under() _lower_with_under()
    Global/Class Constants CAPS_WITH_UNDER _CAPS_WITH_UNDER
    Global/Class Variables lower_with_under _lower_with_under
    Instance Variables lower_with_under _lower_with_under
    Method Names lower_with_under() _lower_with_under()
    Function/Method Parameters lower_with_under  
    Local Variables lower_with_under  

Machine learning folder structure

The following serves as a representative project folder structure.

emotion-recognition                             # Repository name / Project root 
├── assets                                      # Assets
|   ├── images
|       ...
|       ...
├── dataset                                     # Dataset
|   ├── fer2013.csv
|   └── happy-1.jpg
├── doc                                         # Documents
|   ├── lib                                     # Library packages
|       ...
|       ...
├── example                                     # Standalone example code 
|   └──
├── dev                                         # Machine learning model folder 
|   ├── analysis                                # Package - Analysis    
|   |   └──                      # Module - Predictions 
|   ├── checkpoints                             # Checkpoints    
|   |   ├── emotion_recognition_weights.h5      # Machine learning saved weights
|   |   └── emotion_recognition_structure.json  # Machine learning saved structure
|   ├── helper                                  # Package - Helper    
|   |   └──                          # Module - Convert 
|   └──                               # Code used during model development
├── lib                                         # Libraries
|   ├── emonetLabels.json                       # Labels
|   ├── haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml     # .xml file for ML models
|   └──                           # Pre-processing functions   
├── graph                                       # TensorFlow graph folder 
|   └──                                  # Graph architecture
├── serving                                     # TensorFlow Serving 
|   ├── cnn
|       ├── ...                                  
|       ...
├── .env                                        # Environment variables 
├──                                   # Readme file 
└── requirements.txt                            # Code dependencies
  1. [Non-Production Code] assets folder should contain miscellaneous files. For example, it can contain images used for explanation in
  2. [Non-Production Code] dataset folder should contain minimal amount of sample test data used in the project for testing and demonstration purposes. Complete dataset is advised to be stored in an external Hadoop cluster.
  3. [Production Code] doc folder contains the documents generated from Python code comments. For details of how the documents are generated, refer to the code documentation steps.
  4. [Non-Production Code] example folder contains a complete, runnable, well-abstracted Python code to illustrate the entire machine learning model. For example, is a complete standalone example to analyse video stream.
  5. [Non-Production Code] dev folder contains all peripheral code used in developing and testing the machine learning tensorflow graph.
    • Contains code files (i.e., used during training, testing, and building phase of the machine learning model.
    • Local code should be abstracted into packages and modules. For example, analysis and helper are local packages, whereas and are local modules.
    • Package and module naming should be intuitive and non-repetitive. For example, reading an import statement in Python, such as import model.analysis.predictions, should clearly indicate the meaning or functionality of the code being imported.
    • A checkpoints sub-folder is desirable to keep track of previously trained architecture and weights.
  6. [Production Code] lib folder is a top level folder containing well abstracted local (i.e., self-written) and third party libraries, which will be ported into production.
  7. [Production Code] graph folder is a top level folder containing well abstracted and commented machine learning TensorFlow graph written in Python. The graph (e.g., is converted into SavedModel format and saved with an identical name in the serving folder (e.g., cnn). Although the contents of this folder are not directly used in production, the Python TensorFlow graphs are needed to understand the corresponding serving which was actually deployed.
  8. [Production Code] serving folder. Please see TensorFlow wiki to learn more about the structure of serving folder. The serving model will be deployed using Docker containers in production.
  9. [Production Code] .env file should contain the environment variables, e.g., ROOT variable, which will be ported into production.
  10. [Non-Production Code] file shall contain a brief description of the following:
    • Explanation of what the project is about
    • Instructions to run a sample of the code
    • Desired input and output of the machine learning model
  11. [Production Code] requirements file contains the dependent libraries and their version require to run this code. For details on how the requirements.txt file is generated, refer to the dependency management section.

Note: All Production Code needs to undergo code review before being merged into the master branch. Whereas, coding standards of Non-Production Code need not necessarily be scrutinised.


  • Variables, functions, and methods, which are only meant for local use within a library, must be made private and non-exportable. Add “_” (single underscore) in front of the name to hide them when accessing them from out of class. For example, _x and def _normFace(self, img, face): represent a hidden variable and a hidden method, respectively.
  • Hidden variables, functions, and methods, will not be included in the documentation.
  • Write docstrings in numpy format to document the Python code.
  • Docstrings must be written for
    • Classes, and class methods
    • Packages, and functions
    • Scripts
  • To do notes are written as part of docstrings.
      Blah blah.     
  • Documents are stored in the ./doc directory at the root of the project repository.
  • Sphinx is the desired tool to generate code documentation.
    • Install Sphinx
        $ pip install sphinx
        $ pip install sphinx-rtd-theme
    • Make doc directory
        $ cd /path/to/project/root
        $ mkdir doc
    • Setup Sphinx
        $ sphinx-quickstart [options] path/to/project/root/doc
           QUIET. Skips interactive wizard
        -p PROJECT
            Project name
        -a AUTHOR 
            Author name
        -v VERSION
            Version of project
            Enable sphinx.ext.autodoc extension.    
            Enable sphinx.ext.todo extension.
            Enable sphinx.ext.coverage extension.    
            Enable sphinx.ext.mathjax extension.    
            Enable sphinx.ext.viewcode extension.
            Napoleon supports Google and NumPy styled docstrings.

      For example:

        $ cd /path/to/project/root
        $ sphinx-quickstart \
            -q -p Emotion-Recognition -a Adaickalavan \
            -v v0.0.1 \
            --ext-autodoc \
            --ext-todo \
            --ext-coverage \
            --ext-mathjax \
            --ext-viewcode \
            --extensions='sphinx.ext.napoleon' \
    • Change the following in /doc/ file
        # import os
        # import sys
        # sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.'))
        html_theme = 'alabaster'


        import os
        import sys
        sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('..'))
        html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme'
    • Populate your /doc/index.rst file as needed. An example index.rst file for the Emotion Recognition template project is as follows.
        Welcome to Emotion-Recognition's documentation!
        .. toctree::
            :maxdepth: 2
            :caption: Contents:
        .. automodule:: lib.preprocess
        .. automodule:: lib.util
        .. automodule:: example.emoRecStream
        Indices and tables
        * :ref:`genindex`
        * :ref:`modindex`
        * :ref:`search`
    • Generate documents.
        $ cd /path/to/project/root
        $ make -C ./doc html
    • View the Sphinx documentation by browsing /doc/_build/html/index.html in your web browser.
  • Alternatively, for quick and easy document generation, pdoc3 tool may be used.
    • Execute the following commands at the project’s root directory.
        $ pip install pdoc3
        $ cd /path/to/project/root
        $ mkdir doc1
        $ pdoc --html --force --output-dir doc1 ./lib
    • View the pdoc3 documentation by browsing /doc1/lib/index.html in your web browser.

Import paths

  • Strictly do not perform relative import for any files or modules in Python.
  • Never perform wildcard imports such as
      from libraries import *
  • Always perform absolute import.
    1. Assume the following project structure.
       emotion-recognition                         # Main project directory 
       ├── model                                   # Machine learning model folder 
       |   ├── analysis                            # Package    
       |   |   └──                  # Module 
       |   ├── checkpoint                          # Checkpoint folder    
       |   |   └── emotion_recognition_weights.h5  # Machine learning saved weights
       |   └──                           # Python code 
       ├── graph                                   # TensorFlow graph folder 
       |   └──                              # Graph architecture
       └── .env                                    # Environment variables 
    2. First, install the dotenv library.
       pip install -U python-dotenv
    3. Specify the ROOT environment variable, which refers to the directory path containing the project, in the .env file as follows.
       # File: emotion-recognition/.env
       ROOT = /home/admin/src/
    4. Place the following piece of code at the top of the Python code file. It will add the project directory given by ROOT to sys.path and make it searchable by Python.
       # File: emotion-recognition/model/
       # Setup
       import os
       import sys
       from dotenv import load_dotenv, find_dotenv
       ROOT = os.getenv("ROOT")
    5. Import local packages or modules as follows.
       # File: emotion-recognition/model/
       # Import local packages
       from graph import cnn
       from model.analysis import predictions
    6. To open files in Python, create absolute paths by adding the file path within the project directory and the ROOT. An example is as follows.
       # File: emotion-recognition/model/
       model.load_weights(ROOT+"/model/checkpoint/emotion_recognition_weights.h5")  # Load weights for TensorFlow model
  • Only import Python packages and modules. Never import Python functions, i.e., def, directly into another Python file.


  • To generate requirements.txt file for Python dependencies.
      pipreqs [options] /path/to/project/root
          to overwrite existing file
      --proxy <url> 
          when using behind a corporate proxy

    Example command assuming the project is located at home/admin/src/

      $ pipreqs --force /home/admin/src/
  • To install dependencies, issue the following command.
      $ pip install -r /path/to/requirements.txt


  1. For profiling, install the following libraries.
     $ pip install cProfile 
     $ pip install pstats
     $ pip install line_profiler 
  2. Include the following file in your project.
     # Filename:
     import os
     from dotenv import load_dotenv, find_dotenv
     ROOT = os.getenv("ROOT")
     import cProfile
     import pstats
     import line_profiler
     import atexit
     profile_line = line_profiler.LineProfiler()
     atexit.register(profile_line.dump_stats, ROOT+"results/")
     stream = open(ROOT+"results/profile_line.txt", 'w')
     atexit.register(profile_line.print_stats, stream)
     # Function profiling decorator
     def profile_function(func):
         def _profile_function(*args, **kwargs):
             pr = cProfile.Profile()
             result = func(*args, **kwargs)
             # save stats into file
             stream = open(ROOT+"results/profile_function.txt", 'w')
             ps = pstats.Stats(ROOT+"results/", stream=stream)
             return result  
         return _profile_function
  3. For profiling at function-call level, we use cProfile. Add the decorator @profile_function above the function to be profiled. For line-by-line profiling, we use line_profiler. Add the decorator @profile_line above the function to be profiled.
     # Filename:
     import profiler
     def function_to_be_profiled_at_function_call_level():
     def function_to_be_profiled_at_line_by_line_level():
     if __name__ == '__main__':
  4. Then, execute the python file normally. For example
     $ python

    The function-level profile results will be written to ./results/profile_function.txt and ./results/ files. The line-level profile results will be written to ./results/profile_line.txt and ./results/ files.

  5. To view the function-level profile output interactively in the browser, install cprofilev and read the file using cprofilev.
     $ pip install cprofilev
     $ cprofilev -f /path/to/

    Navigate to http://localhost:4000 to view the profile output.

  6. Note: If you want to profile several functions, only instantiate once the LineProfiler() and import it in the other files. Otherwise, profiler output might have some issues and have weird reporting.


  • Setup proxy configurations for conda/pip when using conda/pip behind a corporate proxy, e.g.,
  • For conda, run the following commands in a terminal
      $ conda config --set proxy_servers.http
      $ conda config --set proxy_servers.https

    A .condarc file will be created with the proxy server details and placed at ~/.condarc.

  • For pip, create a pip.conf file at ~/.pip/ such that ~/.pip/pip.conf file contains the following
      proxy =     

Unit test

  1. For info see :
  2. Run unit tests in python
     $ cd /path/to/source/code/root
     $ python -m unittest discover -s <test folder>

    unittest will scan the <test folder> for all test*.py files and execute them.


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