

  1. Install Docker Engine and Docker Compose from the official site.


  • Containerization is packaging an application, its dependencies, and its configuration into a single deployable unit, called an image.
  • Failed Docker containers can be restarted automatically.
  • Can be run on Linux, Mac, Windows
  • Aids reusability, refactorability, scalability, and maintainability of code.
  • Each command used to generate Docker image generates a new intermediate image via a delta — essentially capturing only what changed from the previous intermediate step.
  • The following is a representative Docker file with multistage build feature. Build the image using the command $ docker build -t <container name> .
      FROM golang AS baseimage
      # Enable GO111MODULE
      ENV GO111MODULE=on
      # Author label
      LABEL Author Adaickalavan Meiyappan
      # Install build tools
      RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y install g++ cmake git pkg-config
      # Set the working directory
      WORKDIR /src
      # Fetch dependencies first; they are less susceptible to change on every build and will therefore be cached for speeding up the next build
      COPY ./go.mod ./go.sum ./
      RUN go mod download
      # Copy the local package files (local computer) to the container (docker image)
      COPY . .
      # Build the executable to `/app`. Mark the build as statically linked.
      RUN CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o ./app .
      # Multistage build
      FROM scratch
      # Import the compiled executable from the first stage.
      COPY --from=baseimage src/app /app
      COPY --from=baseimage src/.env /.env
      # Run the compiled binary when the conainer starts
      ENTRYPOINT ["/app“]

Docker Compose

  • To instantiate the container image, run a docker compose file by executing $ docker-compose up. Docker compose file contains instructions to instantiate the image, set environment variables, setup networks, etc.
      version: '3'
          image: goconsumer
          container_name: goconsumer 
          restart: on-failure
          - 30000:30000
          - TOPICNAMEIN=videocam
          - KAFKAPORTIN=kafka1:19094
          - GROUPNAME=goconsumer
          - DISPLAY=$DISPLAY
          - MODELURLS={"imagenet_0":"http://tfsimagenet:8501/v1/models/tfModel:predict"} 
          - LABELURLS={"imagenet_0":"/go/src/app/assets/imagenetLabels.json"} 
          - /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix 
          - /dev/video0:/dev/video0 
          - zookeeper_dockerNet 
              # To ensure containers in different docker-compose 
              # files communicate  with each other, we place them 
              # on the same network. The complete network name is # 'zookeeper_dockerNet'. It is derived by joining 
              # the name of the folder from which the network 
              # originates (i.e., zookeeper) and the name of the 
              # network (i.e., dockerNet).
          external: true 
          # Label the other docker-compose network as an external 
          # network to the current docker-compose file


  1. Need to set proxy for Docker if we use Docker behind a corporate proxy.

  2. Create a http-proxy.conf file.
     $ touch http-proxy.conf
  3. Populate the http-proxy.conf file with proxy info.

    Note that we can set no proxy for internal IP addresses such as

  4. Create /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/ directory and move the file http-proxy.conf into it.
     $ mkdir /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d
     $ mv -f http-proxy.conf /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/
  5. Restart the Docker daemon to start using the new proxy setting.
     # Reload systemctl so new settings are read
     $ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
     # Verify docker environment is properly set
     $ sudo systemctl show docker --property Environment
     # Restart docker service 
     $ sudo systemctl restart docker
  6. To use RUN apt-get command inside dockerfile behind a proxy, set proxy for Linux apt using the environment ENV variable in the dockerfile as follows.
     # Dockerfile
     FROM ubuntu
     ENV http_proxy ""
     ENV https_proxy ""


  • Required tools
      $ sudo apt-get install sshpass
  • An example shell script named is provided to build, save, transfer, load, and run interactively, a docker image in a remote server.
      # Example command to execute this script:
      # source <user name> <password> <server address> <destination directory> <container name>
      # Arguments
      USER=$1       #Username, e.g., admin
      PASS=$2       #Password, e.g., abcd1234
      ADD=$3        #Server address, e.g.,
      DST=$4        #Destination directory, e.g., /src/$USER
      CONTAINER=$4  #Container name, e.g., mycontainer
      # Build Docker image locally
      docker build \
          -t ${CONTAINER} \
          --network=host \
      # Save image locally
      docker save -o ./${CONTAINER}.tar ${CONTAINER}
      # Push image to remote server
      sshpass -p ${PASS} scp ${PWD}/${CONTAINER}.tar ${USER}@${ADD}:${DST}
      # Load docker in remote server
      sshpass -p ${PASS} ssh ${USER}@${ADD} "docker load -i ${DST}/${CONTAINER}.tar"
      # Run interactive docker container in detached mode in remote server 
      sshpass -p ${PASS} ssh ${USER}@${ADD} "docker run --rm \
          -it \
          -d \
          --network=host \
          --privileged \
          --env="XAUTHORITY=/tmp/.docker.xauth" \
          --env="QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1" \
          --volume=/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw \
          --device=/dev/dri \
          --memory=100g \
          --user=$(id -u):$(id -g) \
          --name=${CONTAINER} \

Interactive usage

  1. Start a bash interactively inside a docker container
     $ docker exec -ti <container name> bash
  2. Exit without stopping the container. Interactive mode turns into daemon mode.
     ctrl-p ctrl-q


  1. Enable display access from docker to linux desktop
     $ xhost +


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