Parking Lot Problem Extended


This project addresses an extended problem to that of the original Parking Lot Problem.

Problem Statement

In this extended problem, the carpark should accept three different types of vehicles, namely, motorcycle, car, and bus, requiring 1, 2, and 3 parking slots per vehicle, respectively.

Type of vehicle Number of parking slots needed per vehicle
Motorcycle 1
Car 2
Bus 3

All other rules, regulations, and operational requirements of the carpark remain the same as in the original problem.

An example in the interactive mode is as follows.

Example: Interactive

$ create_parking_lot 8
Created a parking lot with 8 slots
$ park KA-01-HH-1234 White motorcycle
Allocated slot number: 1
$ park KA-01-HH-9999 White car
Allocated slot number: 2
$ park KA-01-BB-0001 Black bus
Allocated slot number: 4
$ leave 1
Slot number 1 is free
$ park KA-01-HH-2701 Blue car
Allocated slot number: 7
$ leave 4
Slot number 4 is free
$ park KA-01-HH-7777 White car
Allocated slot number: 4
$ status
Slot No. Registration No  Colour  Type
2        KA-01-HH-9999    White   Car
4        KA-01-HH-7777    White   Car
7        KA-01-HH-2701    Blue    Car
$ park DL-12-AA-9999 White bus
Sorry, parking lot is full
$ registration_numbers_for_cars_with_colour White
KA-01-HH-9999, KA-01-HH-7777
$ slot_numbers_for_cars_with_colour White
2, 4
$ slot_number_for_registration_number KA-01-HH-2701
$ registration_numbers_for_cars_with_colour Green
Not found
$ slot_number_for_registration_number MH-04-AY-1111
Not found
$ exit


Find the source code in the repository.

Learning Outcome

At the end of this project, we should be able to:

  • solve the Parking Lot problem with data structures optimized for complexity
  • utilize linked-list data structure in Go

Project structure

The project structure is as follows:

project                               # folder containing all project files
├── bin                               # contains executable commands
│   ├── setup                         # contains commands to build/compile the Go code
│   └── parking_lot.exe               # .exe file for parking_lot generated by `go install` command
└── src                               # contains Go source files
    └── parking_lot                   # main folder
        ├── vendor                    # folder containing dependencies
        │   ├── minheap               # dependant package `minheap`  
        │   │   ├── item.go           # element of heap
        │   │   └── priorityQueue.go  # min heap implementation
        │   ├── pretty                # dependant package `pretty`  
        │   │   └── printer.go        # pretty prints array, slice, string
        │   └── sortedlist            # dependant package `sortedlist`  
        │       └── list.go           # sorted list implementation
        ├── vehicle.go                # element of carpark: motorcycle, car, and bus
        ├── carpark.go                # carpark struct and pointer receiver methods
        ├── carpark_test.go           # unit tests of the carpark.go code
        ├── main.go                   # main file of Go code
        ├── main_test.go              # functional test of the main code
        ├── inputFile.txt             # sample input file for testing
        └── inputInteractive.txt      # sample interactive input for testing

Notes on solution

  1. Data structures
    • A sorted linked-list data structure is used to maintain the list of sorted empty slots in ascending order, instead of a minheap data structure used in the original problem.


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