High Performance Computing with OpenCL


This project explores the use of OpenCL in high performance computing for heterogenous platforms (i.e., CPU/GPU). We present updated C/C++ code adhering to OpenCL 2.0 standard for the exercises in the “OpenCL in Action” book by Matthew Scarpino. Read the book. It is a good comprehensive book, suitable for beginners, which teaches OpenCL beginning from the basics.

The following tools will be used in this project:

  • C/C++
  • OpenCL
  • CMake
  • Intel CPU - we can test our OpenCL code on a CPU without the need to have a GPU


Find the source code in the repository.

Learning Outcome

At the end of this project, we should be able to:

  • Use OpenCL in C/C++ for high performance computing.
  • Build C/C++ code with CMake.

Project Structure

The project structure is as follows:

opencl                                 # Repository root
├── apps                               # Source code
|   ├── Ch1
|   |   ├── matvec.c                   # C source file
|   |   └── matvec.cl                  # Cl source file
|   ├── Ch2
|   |   ├── context_count.c            # C source file
|   |   ├── device_ext_test.c
|   |   ...
|   .
|   .
|   .
|   ├── Ch8
|   |   ├── buffer_test.cl             # Cl source file
|   |   ├── buffer_test.cpp            # C++ source file
|   |   ...
|   └── CMakeLists.txt                 # CMake build file
├── assets                             # Reference materials 
|   ├── libpng-1.4.0-manual.pdf      
|   ├── OpenCL device model.jpg      
|   ├── OpenCL operators.jpg
|   ├── OpenCL scalar data types.jpg
|   └── OpenCL vector data types.jpg
├── bin                                # Executables
|   ├── ...                              
|   ...
├── libs                               # Local libraries
│   └── util                     
|       ├── CMakeLists.txt             # Library-level CMake build file
|       ├── util.c                     
|       ├── util.cpp                   
|       ├── util.h                     
|       └── util.hpp                   
├── .dockerignore
├── .gitignore
├── CMakeLists.txt                     # Top-level CMake build file
└── README.md                                 

Steps to get started with OpenCL

  1. Install OpenCL SDK
  2. Install and run clinfo to show complete information of OpenCL platforms and devices.
    $ sudo apt install clinfo
    $ clinfo

Exercise list

For easy reference, the solution code is organised by chapter and named according to the exercise.

Build the C/C++ code using:

$ cd /path/to/repository/root/opencl
$ cmake -E make_directory build
$ cmake -E chdir ./build cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
$ cmake --build ./build

Run the desired code as follows. Assuming the desired code is callback_8_6, then run:

$ cd /path/to/repository/root/opencl
$ ./bin/callback_8_6

The complete code listing is given in the table below.

Chapter Exercise Name
Introducing OpenCL
1.1 matvec
Host programming: fundamental data structures
2.1 platform_ext_test
2.2 device_ext_test
2.3 context_count
Host programming: data transfer and partitioning
3.2 buffer_test
3.3 map_copy
Kernel programming: data types and device memory
4.1 hello_kernel
4.2 double_test
4.3 float_config
4.4 vector_widths
4.5 vector_bytes
Kernel programming: operators and functions
5.1 op_test
5.2 id_check
5.3 mod_round
5.4 polar_rect
5.5 mad_test
5.6 shuffle_test
5.7 select_test
Events, profiling, and synchronization
7.2 callback
7.3 user_event
7.6 profile_read
7.7 profile_items
7.8 atomic
7.9 mutex
Development with C++
8.1 full_context_8_1
8.2 create_kernels_8_2
8.4 buffer_test_8_4
8.5 map_copy_8_5
8.6 callback_8_6
8.7 user_event_8_7
8.8 profile_8_8


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