Coding Questions in Golang

In this post, we will answer several programming challenge questions in Golang. These questions are often asked as part of interviews. Although there may be built-in methods to solve these problems, we shall only use basic data structures to solve each of them.

We prioritise recursive, concurrent, and clean codes. The solution codes are pretty self explanatory.


More programming challenge questions in Golang will be added as time permits. Let me know if there is any particular problem you would like to have solved here.

  1. Find pair of numbers, with a given sum, from two arrays
  2. Delete single node, given a single pointer, in a singly linked list
  3. K-Means Clustering algorithm
  4. Given two sorted lists, merge them into a single sorted list
  5. Print fibonanci numbers
  6. Reverse a string
  7. Match brackets in a string
  8. Range sum query
  9. Longest valid parentheses substring
  10. Test driven development of Set
  11. Sorted word count
  12. Fuzzy String Match
  13. Breadth First Search & Depth First Search


The repository contains the Golang solution codes.


  1. Find every pair of numbers (inclusive of duplicates) from two integer arrays (i.e. one number from each array), whose sum equals a given number. A hash map is used to store previously seen numbers, for quick O(1) retrieval later.

    Link to solution code.

     package main
     import (
     //Retrieve pairs of numbers from two arrays which satisfies a given sum
     func findPair(arr1 []int, arr2 []int, n int) [][]int {
       hm := make(map[int]int)
       output := [][]int{}
       for _, val := range arr1 {
         hm[val] = hm[val] + 1
       for _, val := range arr2 {
         temp := n - val
         if count, ok := hm[temp]; ok {
           for jj := count; jj > 0; jj-- {
             output = append(output, []int{temp, val})
       return output
     func main() {
       arr1 := []int{-1, -2, 4, 4, -2, -6, 5, -7}
       arr2 := []int{0, 6, 3, 4, 0}
       output := findPair(arr1, arr2, 4)

    Expected output:

     [[4 0] [4 0] [-2 6] [-2 6] [4 0] [4 0]]
  2. Delete a single node, given only the pointer to that node, in a singly-linked list. The desired node is deleted by copying the contents (i.e., value and pointer) of the next node into the current node.

    Link to solution code.

    This solution does not work for deleting the last node in a singly linked list.

     package main
     import (
     //Node contains value and pointer to next node
     type node struct {
       val      int
       nextNode *node
     //Deletes node given by pointer
     func delete(ptr *node) {
       ptrNext := ptr.nextNode
       ptr.val = ptrNext.val
       ptr.nextNode = ptrNext.nextNode
     func main() {
       sixthNode := &node{val: 6, nextNode: nil}
       fifthNode := &node{val: 5, nextNode: sixthNode}
       fourthNode := &node{val: 4, nextNode: fifthNode}
       thirdNode := &node{val: 3, nextNode: fourthNode}
       secondNode := &node{val: 2, nextNode: thirdNode}
       firstNode := &node{val: 1, nextNode: secondNode}
       for ii := firstNode; ii != nil; ii = ii.nextNode {

    Expected output:

     &{1 0xc04204a200}
     &{2 0xc04204a1f0}
     &{3 0xc04204a1e0}
     &{5 0xc04204a1c0}
     &{6 <nil>}
  3. Given a list of data points and a list of centroids, perform K-Means Clustering to return a new set of updated centroids. Goroutines are used to parallelize the code execution.

    Link to solution code.

  4. Given two sorted lists, merge them into a single sorted list.

    Link to solution code.

     package main
     import (
     //Recursively merge two ordered list
     func arrange(arr1 []int, arr2 []int, output *[]int) {
       switch {
       case len(arr1) == 0 && len(arr2) == 0:
       case len(arr1) == 0 && len(arr2) > 0:
         *output = append(*output, arr2...)
       case len(arr2) == 0 && len(arr1) > 0:
         *output = append(*output, arr1...)
         if arr1[0] <= arr2[0] {
           *output = append(*output, arr1[0])
           arrange(arr1[1:], arr2, output)
         } else {
           *output = append(*output, arr2[0])
           arrange(arr1, arr2[1:], output)
     func main() {
       arr1 := []int{1, 4, 7}
       arr2 := []int{3, 4, 5}
       output := []int{}
       arrange(arr1, arr2, &output)

    Expected output:

     [1 3 4 4 5 7]
  5. Print Fibonanci numbers using closures in Golang.

    Link to solution code.

     package main
     import (
     //Closure returns a fibonanci function
     func evenFib() func() float64 {
       x := float64(0)
       y := float64(1)
       return func() float64 {
         x, y = y, x+y
         return y
     func main() {
       f := evenFib()
       for ii := 0; ii < 5; ii++ {
         result := f()

    Expected output:

  6. Reverse a given string. The string is reversed in parallel using goroutines and channels.

    Link to solution code.

     package main
     import "fmt"
     //Reverse a string in parallel
     func reverser(arr1 []rune, length int, c0 chan int) {
       c1 := make(chan int)
       switch {
       case length == 0:
         c0 <- 1
       case length == 1:
         c0 <- 1
       case length >= 2:
         go reverser(arr1[1:length-1], length-2, c1)
         arr1[0], arr1[length-1] = arr1[length-1], arr1[0]
         c0 <- 1
     func main() {
       str := "abcdefgh"
       str1 := []rune(str)
       ch := make(chan int)
       go reverser(str1, len(str1), ch)

    Expected output:

  7. Given a string containing just the characters ‘(‘, ‘)’, ‘[’, ‘]’, ‘{‘, ‘}’, determine if the input string is valid. An input string is valid if :
    • Open brackets must be closed by the same type of brackets.
    • Open brackets must be closed in the correct order.

    Note that an empty string is also considered valid. String below are considered valid strings.


    Strings below are considered as invalid strings.


    Link to solution code.

     package main
     import (
     func main() {
       strList := []string{"", "()", "()[]{}", "{[]}", "[", "}{", "{()", "(]", "([)]"}
       for _, str := range strList {
         input := []rune(str)
         valid := matchBrackets(&[]rune{}, input)
         fmt.Println("The string", str, "is", valid)
     //Map closing brackets to corresponding opening brackets
     var bracketMap = map[rune]rune{
       rune(')'): rune('('),
       rune('}'): rune('{'),
       rune(']'): rune('['),
     //Recursively compare brackets in a string
     func matchBrackets(stack *[]rune, input []rune) bool {
       switch {
       case len(*stack) == 0 && len(input) == 0:
         return true
       case len(*stack) != 0 && len(input) == 0:
         return false
       case len(*stack) == 0 && len(input) != 0:
         switch _, ok := bracketMap[input[0]]; ok {
         case true: //closing bracket
           return false
         default: //opening bracket
           *stack = append(*stack, input[0])
           return matchBrackets(stack, input[1:])
       default: //len(*stack) != 0 && len(input) != 0
         switch elem, ok := bracketMap[input[0]]; ok {
         case true: //closing bracket
           if elem == (*stack)[len(*stack)-1] {
             *stack = (*stack)[:len(*stack)-1]
             return matchBrackets(stack, input[1:])
           return false
         default: //opening bracket
           *stack = append(*stack, input[0])
           return matchBrackets(stack, input[1:])

    Expected output:

     The string  is true
     The string () is true
     The string ()[]{} is true
     The string {[]} is true
     The string [ is false
     The string }{ is false
     The string {() is false
     The string (] is false
     The string ([)] is false
  8. For an array $A$, its range sum $S$ from $i$ to $j$ is the sum of elements between indices $i$ and $j$, inclusive, where $i≤j$.


    Implement a struct with a receiver method $S(i,j)$. The struct will only be instantiated once, whereas the receiver method may be called several times during runtime. The optimization goal would be to minimize

    • usage of memory,
    • execution time of range sum receiver method $S$, and
    • execution time of struct instantiation.

    Several test cases are shown below.

     A = [-2, 0, 3, -5, 2, -1]
     S(0, 2) //answer = 1
     S(2, 5) //answer = -1
     S(0, 5) //answer = -3

    Link to solution code.

  9. Given a string containing just characters ‘(‘ and ‘)’, return the start and end indexes of the longest valid parentheses substring. Several test cases are shown below.
     Input: "" // answer: startIndex = 0, endIndex = 0
     Input: "(()" // answer: startIndex = 1, endIndex = 2
     Input: ")()())" // answer: startIndex = 1, endIndex = 4
     Input: "())((())" // answer: startIndex = 4, endIndex = 7
     Input: "())(()" // answer: startIndex = 0, endIndex = 1

    Link to solution code.

     package main
     import (
     //Returns the longest valid parentheses substring
     func longestSubstr(arr []rune) (int, int) {
       start := 0
       end := 0
       longestStart := 0
       longestEnd := 0
       stack := []int{-1}
       if len(arr) <= 1 {
         return longestStart, longestEnd
       for ii, val := range arr {
         switch val {
         case rune('('):
           stack = append(stack, ii)
         default: //case ')':
           stack = stack[:len(stack)-1] //pop opening bracket
           if len(stack) != 0 {
             start = stack[len(stack)-1]
             end = ii
             if end-start > longestEnd-longestStart {
               longestStart = start
               longestEnd = end
           } else { //empty stack
             stack = append(stack, ii)
       return longestStart + 1, longestEnd
     func main() {
       strList := []string{"", "(()", ")()())", "())((())", "())(()"}
       for _, str := range strList {
         input := []rune(str)
         start, end := longestSubstr(input)
         fmt.Println("Longest valid substring of", str, "is", string(input[start:end+1]), ", from ", start, "to ", end)

    Expected output:

     Longest valid substring of  is   , from  0 to  0
     Longest valid substring of (() is () , from  1 to  2
     Longest valid substring of )()()) is ()() , from  1 to  4
     Longest valid substring of ())((()) is (()) , from  4 to  7
     Longest valid substring of ())(() is () , from  0 to  1
  10. Implement a Set in Golang using test driven development method. The Set should implement Add,Remove,Contains,Union, and Intersection, functions.

    Link to solution code.

     package set
     import (
     //Set implements the set
     type Set map[interface{}]struct{}
     //NewSet returns a new set
     func NewSet() *Set {
       s := Set{}
       return &s
     //Print prints the keys within the set
     func (s *Set) Print() {
       fmt.Print("Contents of Set: ")
       for key := range *s {
         fmt.Print(key, ", ")
     //Add adds key to the set
     func (s *Set) Add(key interface{}) {
       (*s)[key] = struct{}{}
     //Remove removes key from the set
     func (s *Set) Remove(key interface{}) {
       delete((*s), key)
     //Contains checks whether a key exists in set
     func (s *Set) Contains(key interface{}) bool {
       _, ok := (*s)[key]
       return ok
     //Union joins two sets
     func (s *Set) Union(other *Set) *Set {
       newSet := NewSet()
       for key := range *s {
         (*newSet)[key] = struct{}{}
       for key := range *other {
         (*newSet)[key] = struct{}{}
       return newSet
     //Intersection returns intersection between two sets
     func (s *Set) Intersection(other *Set) *Set {
       newSet := NewSet()
       for key := range *s {
         if _, ok := (*other)[key]; ok {
           (*newSet)[key] = struct{}{}
       return newSet
  11. Given an input text, produce a table of words and the number of times those words have occurred in the input text. Sort the words first by descending order of cardinality, then by alphabetical order. Other constraints:
    • Split words on whitespaces (newlines, spaces, tabs)
    • Remove any non-letter characters. In regex terms, remove anything not of the class [a-zA-Z]
    • Convert words to lowercase
    • Only list the first 10 most frequently occurring words
    • The text can include punctuation, non-letter characters, and mixed case

    Output should be formatted as: <word><space><count><newline>

    Example input text:

     The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog's bowl.
     The dog was angry with the fox for considering him lazy.

    Expected output:

     the 4
     fox 2
     lazy 2
     angry 1
     bowl 1
     brown 1
     considering 1
     dog 1
     dogs 1
     for 1

    Link to solution code.

     package main
     import (
     type byCount []wordCount
     func (words byCount) Len() int {
       return len(words)
     func (words byCount) Swap(i int, j int) {
       words[i], words[j] = words[j], words[i]
     // Less sorts words by count, in descending order followed by alphabetical order
     func (words byCount) Less(i int, j int) bool {
       switch {
       case words[i].count > words[j].count:
         return true
       case words[i].count == words[j].count && words[i].word < words[j].word:
         return true
         return false
     type wordCount struct {
       word  string
       count int
     func sorter(words []string) {
       m := make(map[string]int)
       var list []wordCount
       for _, word := range words {
         m[word] = m[word] + 1
       for key, val := range m {
         list = append(list, wordCount{word: key, count: val})
       // Print the 10 most frequent words
       for _, elem := range list[:10] {
         fmt.Println(elem.word, elem.count)
     func clean(str string) []string {
       // Convert letters to lowercase and split string into words
       words := strings.Fields(strings.ToLower(str))
       // Remove all non letter characters
       reg, err := regexp.Compile("[^a-zA-Z0-9]+")
       if err != nil {
       for ii, elem := range words {
         words[ii] = reg.ReplaceAllString(elem, "")
       return words
     func main() {
       // Example string
       str := `The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog's bowl.
       The dog was angry with the fox for considering him lazy.`
       // Clean up the string
       words := clean(str)
       // Sort the words
  12. Given a DNA sequence (i.e., input string) and a DNA subsequence (i.e., search string), compute the percentage match of the DNA subsequence at every index location of the DNA sequence. Example input text:
     Index:            012345678
     DNA sequence:    "ATGCATTGC"
     DNA subsequence: "CTG"

    Expected output:

     0: 0.66
     1: 0
     2: 0
     3: 0.33
     4: 0.33
     5: 0.66
     6: 0
     7: 0
     8: 0.33

    Explanation of the output: At index location 0, 2/3 of the letters match between DNA sequence (i.e., ATG) and subsequence (i.e., CTG), hence percentage match is 66.6%. At index location 1, 0/3 of the letters match between DNA sequence (i.e., TGC) and subsequence (i.e., CTG), hence percentage match is 0%. At index location 7, 0/3 of the letters match between DNA sequence (i.e., GC-) and subsequence (i.e., CTG), hence percentage match is 0%. At index location 8, 1/3 of the letters match between DNA sequence (i.e., C–) and subsequence (i.e., CTG), hence percentage match is 33.3%.

    Link to solution code.

     package main
     import (
     func main() {
       // Input data
       sequence := "ATGCATTGC"
       subSequence := "CTG"
       sequenceLen := len(sequence)
       subSequenceLen := len(subSequence)
       var truncatedSequence string
       m := make(map[int]float64)
       var c = make(chan res)
       // Obtain substring and perform comparison
       for ii := 0; ii < sequenceLen; ii++ {
         if ii+subSequenceLen > sequenceLen {
           truncatedSequence = sequence[ii:sequenceLen]
         } else {
           truncatedSequence = sequence[ii : ii+subSequenceLen]
         // Start goroutine for comparison
         go comp(truncatedSequence, subSequence, ii, c)
       // Retrieve results from each comparison
       for ii := 0; ii < sequenceLen; ii++ {
         r := <-c
         m[r.key] = r.val
       // Print results
     type res struct {
       key int
       val float64
     // comp compares sequence and subSequence, letter-by-letter, returning the percentage match
     func comp(sequence string, subSequence string, key int, c chan res) {
       sequenceLen := len(sequence)
       subSequenceLen := len(subSequence)
       var count int
       for jj := 0; jj < sequenceLen; jj++ {
         if sequence[jj] == subSequence[jj] {
       // Return result
       c <- res{key: key, val: float64(count) / float64(subSequenceLen)}
  13. Traverse a tree, in a breadth first and depth first manner, from the starting node till the ending node. The first node, namely node1, is the starting node. The node with a field value end:true marks the ending node. Return true if an end node is reached, else return false. Remember to avoid possible cycles in the tree.

    Example input tree:

     Tree structure
             |                   |
           node2               node 3
             |                   |
         -----------             |
         |         |             |
       node4     node5         node 6
              |         |
            node7     node8

    Expected output:

     Breath first search = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 true
     Depth first search = 1 2 4 5 7 8 true

    Link to solution code.

     package main
     import "fmt"
     var m = make(map[string]bool)
     type node struct {
       next []*node
       end  bool
       name string
     type queue []*node
     // depth first search
     func dfs(curNode *node) bool {
       if _, ok := m[]; ok {
         return false
       fmt.Print(, " ")
       if curNode.end {
         return true
       for _, newNode := range {
         if dfs(newNode) {
           return true
       return false
     // breadth first search
     func bfs(q *queue) bool {
       if len(*q) == 0 {
         return false
       curNode := (*q)[0]
       if _, ok := m[]; ok {
         return false
       fmt.Print(, " ")
       if curNode.end {
         return true
       *q = append((*q)[1:],
       if bfs(q) {
         return true
       return false
     func main() {
       node1 := &node{end: false, name: "1"}
       node2 := &node{end: false, name: "2"}
       node3 := &node{end: false, name: "3"}
       node4 := &node{end: false, name: "4"}
       node5 := &node{end: false, name: "5"}
       node6 := &node{end: false, name: "6"}
       node7 := &node{end: false, name: "7"}
       node8 := &node{end: true, name: "8"}
       nexta := []*node{node2, node3}
       nextb := []*node{node4, node5}
       nextc := []*node{node6}
       nextd := []*node{node7, node8}
   = nexta = nextb = nextc = nextd
       // Breadth first search
       fmt.Print("Breath first search = ")
       n := queue([]*node{node1})
       tree := bfs(&n)
       // Reset map
       m = make(map[string]bool)
       // Depth first search
       fmt.Print("Depth first search = ")
       tree = dfs(node1)


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